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Affordable Iwc Da Vinci Replica Shop - AAA+ Fake Watches Online Sale

IWC Da Vinci Replica

IWC Da Vinci Replica Da Vinci Replica its new production center in the year of its 150th birthday. The new manufacturing center is located just outside of Schaffhausen where the company's headquarters has been since its foundation. It was designed to be a future-oriented production and assembly facility.

Christoph Grainger Herr, CEO at IWC Da Vinci Replica Da Vinci Replica, said that our founder Florentine Jones had already paired traditional watchmaking and advanced production methods in 1868. Since he introduced this engineering approach, we have been developing it systematically. Even today, in our new Manufakturzentrum, we combine skilled craftsmanship and sophisticated technology. The building offers more than just excellent conditions for production.Replica Watches It also represents the spirit of IWC Da Vinci Replica and allows visitors to the world to witness up-close how our manufacture movements are made.

The building was modeled on exhibition pavilions that countries created for grand exhibitions and world fairs. "These pavilions were a way for countries to display their best achievements in technology, trade, and art," Grainger Herr explained. This blend of gallery and workshop, as well as the engineering trade fair, seemed to me a suitable architectural foundation upon which to base the designs. The classical modernist style also works very well with our brand. We are a company with a rich 150-year heritage, but also one that is looking to the future. Modernist architecture perfectly captures this. It is not a neoclassical style that looks backwards, but a classic interpretation with an eye to the future.

"When you walk into the new Manufakturzentrum you get an immediate sense of IWC Da Vinci Replica, and the pride our employees have in their work," said he. If production is spread over several floors or buildings, this sense of pride and commitment to the work cannot be felt. We have created special areas on the shop floor to encourage teamwork. Teams can meet in these areas to discuss departmental issues, objectives, and quality requirements.tudor replica The architecture allows for faster communication and better processes. To create a special atmosphere, we also used various architectural tricks - the flat roofs that project outwards are covered in wooden planks. The new building feels like a home with a large veranda and a cozy atmosphere.

The facility is operational since March this year. International journalists, retailers, customers, and local dignitaries attended the official opening. (I shared a tour of the manufacturing with the Mayor of Schaffhausen, and a bigwig from the canton) as well as Kurt Klaus, the IWC Da Vinci Replica legend.